Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Why am I so lucky you say?? Because I have great friends, that's why! Never in a million years when I started this blog did I think of all the cool people I would meet and become friends with. One of my WONDERFUL friends, Inge (you may know her as Polish Pixie, I know her simply as friend, LOL, ok I even had to crack up at the corny-ness right there) surprised me with a package today. As I carefully opened it, I noticed three little bubble wrapped packages inside. I picked up the first one, and as I started to unroll the bubble wrap I think I see something so wonderful!!! Could it be what I think it is? Could this really be what I have been drooling over and procrastinating about ordering for myself??? YES IT IS!!!! Ladies and Gentlemen I have in my possession my very first Nfu Oh!! This beauty is everything I thought it would be and more. Miss #60 you really are so much prettier in person, I must say. I couldn't stop and stare at Miss #60 all day though, I still had two more little babes waiting for me to open. I moved on to my other two little bubble wrapped goodies and in them I found my very first Nubars!!! She sent me Indigo Illusion and Peacock Feathers. Inge just did a post today about Nubars and I left a comment asking what she thought of Nubars, because I was thinking about getting some of these beauties. How was I to know that in only a few short hours I would be opening up my very own Nubars!!?? Please take a look at these gorgeous ladies I rec'd. And by all means click to enlarge them!


TO INGE - I really can't thank you enough! You really rock my world girlfriend :)



  1. yay fun!! Have fun w/your new polishes. That was so sweet of her :)

  2. I just got my first Nubars so I know what you're going through - I had a pretty strong urge to just sit & stare at them for a while they're so gorgeous in the bottle! They go on really nice also, I'm wearing one of mine right now.

  3. Awwww, hugs. I'm so glad you like them. Have fun, babe :D

  4. KATEE - Oh, I plan it :)

    COLETTE - Thanks for leaving a comment! I have a habit of checking out everyone's profile that leaves a comment. I was pleased to check out your blog. How great! I love to stumble upon new nail polish blogs :) I added you to my list of faves and look forward to checking in and seeing what you are up to :)

    PIXIE - I can't wait to try these on! You know I will have a post about them real soon. I was so excited last night that I was forcing my bf to look at the bottles and see how cool the colors were :)

  5. How sweet! Can't wait to see them on you.

  6. SASHA - Very soon my dear, very soon :)

  7. That NfuOh is just gorgeous

  8. OLGA - ISn't it??!! I could just pee my pants I love this so much !
