Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Bet that post title got your attention, huh! LOL, I purchased two NYX nail polishes yesterday. I bought a light blue & silver glitter type color and a green color. I'm not for sure on the names because I took them home yesterday and don't have them here with me at work. I think the green one is Lime Speckle or Lime Sparkle, I know lime is in the name. I'm drawing a total blank on the blue one.

First up is the hairy blue nail - it really only looked hairy when I snapped the pic with the flash on, without the flash it just looked normal.

This next one I painted one base coat of my new Sally Hansen Insta-Dri in Jumpin' Jade, I then used my new NYX Lime Sparkle/Speckle over the top of it. I literally couldn't quit looking at this nail! I almost painted all my nails this color combo, but I decided against it since I was at work and it was almost time to leave for the day, I just knew I would have messed them up. I do love this though. I think it is a great color combo for upcoming St. Patty's Day, so I will use it then. I couldn't really capture the true beauty of this on camera for some reason, but I did my best :)
Inside, no flash
Inside, WITH flash
Blurred with flash to try and show the mega sparkle


  1. I'm wearing Lime sparkle over NYX Las Vegas as we speak!
    I agree, they look awesome together :D

  2. ARRRG, better get that shaver out! lol. It's so funny how some glitters can look like that. Love those two greens layered. Looks fab :)

  3. What a cool layer franken! All you need is a tiny four leaf clover and you're ready for St. Patty's!

  4. KAJSA - SPARKLE! That's the name, lol not speckle. Thank you! What are the chances that we were wearing basically the same colors :) cool

    PIXIE - That nail is in need of a wax for sure :)

    GLITTER - A layer franken, I never thought of it like that :) I will have to do something special for St. Pattys day, maybe paint my own clovers or something. Maybe some pots of gold.
