Thursday, January 15, 2009


I haven't laughed this hard since, well Sunday's episode of Rock of Love Bus. Please only click this link if you are open minded and don't get offended easily, this could be considered racy by some. I, however thought it was too cute to not share! I love creativity like this, and I just think it is damn clever :)


  1. OMG!!! I LOVED IT!!! I'm known for my foul mouth/perverted sense of humor; this was totally up my alley! The breather part had me howling; great find!

  2. THE ASIAN GIRL - I too have a foul mouth and perverted sense of humor, so I loved it too! My favorite part was the sound effects of balloons rubbing together & when the one bunny is slapping the pink bunny on the ass. Thanks for leaving a comment, now I know I'm not the only one :)

  3. KATEE - I laughed so hard at this too.
