Monday, December 15, 2008


For those of you who don't know about Oklahoma weather, it is down right crazy! Yesterday it was 72 degrees, until about 5 or 6 pm where the temperature dropped 50 degrees. Today it is 17 degrees out with a windchill of 1 degree!

How Dinky handles the cold weather.....

This week my posts might be sporadic. I am in charge of the Holiday festivities here at work and it is keeping me busy. I have fun stuff planned for everyday leading up to our party. Plus I am doing some take home work at home in order to make as much moolah as possible before Christmas, so that doesn't leave much time for me to do my nails. Not to mention the fact that while I was shaving, I somehow nicked one of my nails and it looks ugly as sin. Don't know how this didn't start bleeding on me, but it didn't.

I announced the winner at the top of my blog. I have emailed the winner, but I need to hear back from you soon with an address as to where I can ship your goodies to!! So please email me back with your address info :)! And I would again like to take the time to say THANK YOU to all who entered in my giveaway. If you didn't win, don't be sad, I will have more giveaways to come!


  1. oh ouchie Brooke! That looks like it hurt :( Stay warm!!

  2. aw :[

    & thank you sooo much! i'm so excited to receive all those goodies; i am rather obsessed with nail polish!

    La C.

    ps - your dog is too adorable for words!

  3. I'm sorry about your nail Brooke
    (´□`。) it looks painful!
    Dinky looks nice and warm in the soft blanket!
    Take care...!

  4. KATEE & MITSUE - Thanks, luckily it didn't hurt, how I acomplished that, I do not know, just glad it doesn't hurt!

    LA C. - Thank you and you are very welcome. I am glad I could add to your obbession! :) I have sent you an email with tracking info for your package!

  5. Well that's a big chunk of nail you just shaved! the good news is: it will grow.

    Oooohhh! i want to beep your rosebud of a nose Miss Dinky!
    Stay warm! Brrr!

  6. OLGA - I'll beep her nose for ya tonight! I need to figure out how to put some video of the little Dinker Doo up for you so you can see her in action! lol

  7. Isn't this the craziest weather ever? OK is notorious for that...

    I went to SuperTarget last night and about died walking back to my car at 9:30 pm- it was absolutely frigid!

  8. SASHA - I think people that don't live in Oklahoma don't really have a clue how crazy the weather is here! I'm getting out in it tonight to do some shoppping, but at least the roads cleared up from this morning! HOW BOUT THEM SOONERS!!!

  9. Oh my gosh, I used to do that ALL THE TIME! Always my index or middle finger, and always while shaving my underarms, haha. :)

    Now I only pull the shaver AWAY, never toward my hand. I feel your pain. :(
