Monday, December 8, 2008


I have come across several new blogs that I have added to my Favorites list, and just wanted to bring them to your attention. You can access these blogs from either my favorites list or by clicking on the blog name below.

A Fish With A Bicycle - A talented acrylic nail artist. She has a very informative blog.

Beauty Rookie - A beauty blog.

Betty Brown's Beautification and Banter - This girl is truly funny! She has a blog about beauty and she throws in nail related posts occasionally.

Mini Nail Blog - A nail art blog.

Nail Art Tuesday - This lady does a new manicure/nail art every Monday (I believe) and posts it up. She has some really cute stuff.

Nixxy's Nails - Nail blog. She has a great sense of humor and keeps me laughing.

Polish Pixie - Nail polish blog.

Sterling Nails - Nail polish blog. I love the photos on this blog!


And everyone knows about these two blogs already, but they are my favorites, and have been showing me love since I first started mine! So I will always show them THE LOVE here at getchanailsdid!
The Polish Addict


I really hope that maybe I can send some traffic to some of my favorite NEW blogs!


  1. Hey! Thanks for the plug #:)
    Adding you to my links list!

  2. NIXXY - No prob! I love to spread the word on all things good! And that's you babe! :) lol

  3. Thank you for adding me to your favorites! Your site has definetly become one of my favs, you've probably noticed I've been like super stalking it lately :)

  4. SHANSOPINK - No problem! Stalking is ok with me - wait, that didn't come out quite right...??? lol

  5. Thanks for including me! :-)

    I post on Tuesdays, rather than Mondays...hence the "Nail Art Tuesday" name. I do my weekly manicures Monday night. ;-)

  6. JAMIE - Thanks for clearing that up! I think that is what I was trying to say,but I left of the Tuesday, lol! Great Blog, great nail art! ;)

  7. Aww... So sweet! Thanks for the plug! I added you to my new blog roll on the left side of the blog.
