Wednesday, December 10, 2008


And HE thinks I spoil this little dog.....................gottcha BABE! You've been caught red handed!


  1. Awww, that is the cutest picture!!

    My friend Jennifer got married about a year ago and has a little dog too. Her fiance at the time would joke that the "dog has to go" when they moved into their new house but now the dog, Dolce, is his little buddy. He loves Dolce now! He has been similarly busted LOL

  2. Awww, that is the cutest picture!!

    My friend Jennifer got married about a year ago and has a little dog too. Her fiance at the time would joke that the "dog has to go" when they moved into their new house but now the dog, Dolce, is his little buddy. He loves Dolce now! He has been similarly busted LOL

  3. KATEE- Men are so weird about little dogs! It's like they think they can't show any love to the little ones only big dogs. I guess that is a "mans" dog - lol

    I do think the baby blanket really sets this off so nicely though! :)

  4. Awwwww!! i love to see guys with little dogs, cats and little kids!

    Oh and Miss Dinky looks the cutest when she "puts on" the "i'm sho shleepy" look.

  5. OLGA - I think I need to frame this and give it to him for Christmas! Then set it up on his table on his side of the bed - lol!

    I love it when she is sleepy! There are times though when all she wants to do is bite and fight and I just want her to lay down and cuddle. She is a little rascal!
