Wednesday, November 19, 2008


My fellow blogger, over at Never Too Much Glitter, just posted some new nail art she did..........and well, just take a look:

To me it looks like Autumn Candy! This wonderful lady does almost a new franken polish every day! She has done a tutorial on how to franken almost any color out of using a basic four colors. Not to mention that her nail art is exceptional as well. She just did some corn nail art that was too cute for words!
If you haven't already done so, check her out! You can be directed to her site by either clicking her link on my list of favorite blogs or simply click here, either way you don't want to miss out on what she has to offer.


  1. Thank you very much Brooke! I'm glad you liked it and I hope everyone will feel free to check out my daily Frankens, nail art and other goodies!

    And as always, I'm taking requests, suggestions and any comments.

  2. GLITTER - No problem. I think you do a great job and hopefully I can send some new people your way so they can appreciate it too!

  3. I will definitely check her out! I love nail art! Can't do it, but Iove it!

  4. KATEE - You won't believe all the frankens she does!
