Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Hello all! As Thanksgiving approaches I felt the need to do a little Thanksgiving Nail Art. I had a great idea while going through my son's backpack. He had done the old trace your hand and turn it into a turkey picture at school. I thought, hey, what if I tried to do my own little version of that. So below you will find my results. While I am happy with it, I am not just real pleased with my execution of my idea. First, I didn't really have the colors that I wanted to use, second turning my thumb nail into a turkey face was harder than I first imagined. However with a little imagination, you can see what I was going for.

The colors I used were (pinky to pointer finger) China Glaze - Cat's Eye, China Glaze - Indian Ocean, Sinful Colors - San Francisco, Maybeline - Raspberry Sorbet. Then I used my Nubar NAP in Black and made my nails into "feathers". For my thumb, the "turkey" face, I used Color Club - Orange Revenge to make the beak, and I totally forgot to see what color of red I used for the little waddle that hangs down over the beak. I then outlined them with the black nap. I made a dot for the eye and drew a little "eyelash" line. Last I added a jewel for the eye.

To me, with the colors I had, it came out more peacock than turkey ;) But overall I'm pleased with it.


  1. KATEE - Thanks! Creativity is what counts right!

  2. Yes but your execution was also marvelous!! You never see nail art on my blog because whenever I try it looks like crap, like a 2 yr old did it. So I am amazed when I see what you do!

  3. lol! aw how creative!!! i love the gold feather at the end.

  4. YUMMY411 - Thanks so much. This idea looked so much better when I envisioned it in my head....
