Monday, October 20, 2008


LOL! Ok, I finally got some time for me to put some tips on. The first thing I needed to do was try to duplicate a look I posted on here earlier. However I do not own any NFU OH nail polish :(. So I did my best with what I had and I really think that it turned out quite nice! I would love to hear what you all think about it.
This look was quite a bit harder to achieve than I first thought. Getting those little black swirl lines to look right took several attempts. After I got done I realized that the original nails had their swirls a little further down on the nail than what I did on my "knockoffs".
What I did to get the look: I used my Nubar NAP - 129 Black to follow along my smile line and make my swirls. I then painted the white tip area of my nails with two coats of Sally Hansen - Black Orchid. Next I used Zoya - Delilah, a red glitter polish, and painted on two coats of it. I did not cover the whole black tip area, I did leave a small line of black along the smile line. I finished it off with a top coat of Seche.




My sunlight pictures don't do my nails justice, but until I can get a better camera we will just have to use a little imagination. IF/WHEN I do finally get me some Nfu Oh nail polish, I will have to try this look again. It really looks pretty good in person.

**SIDE NOTE: You may notice the crack line going across my index finger. I went to open the dishwasher last night and some how bent my nail and broke it. I actually broke my real nail because there was blood and everything, but I wasn't about to attempt to fix it until I got some pictures of my nail art taken.


  1. WOW these look great!! I read your Knockout 2 post first and just assumed that you had them professionally done until I read your first post and realized you did them yourself.

  2. Thank you! Long nails are just so much more fun to do creative stuff with.
