Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Well I have finally done it! I am starting my very own blog. I have several different blogs relating to nail polish that I visit daily and that I enjoy very much. I have had more of a problem finding blogs that relate to nail art and artificial nails (fake nails), two things that I also enjoy very much. So I thought, somebody gotta do it, it may aswell be me I guess!
I have been doing my own nails (fake nails) since I was about 16 (I'm 31 now) and have always found it hard to find simple tips or tricks to make doing your own nails easier. That's where I would love for this blog to come in! I mean, I can't be the only one, right??
I have not been to nail tech school, so everything I post is simply what has worked (or hasn't) for me. I hope to get a lot of feedback from you readers out there, because that is really the best way to learn.
I also LOVE just simply painting my nails, or trying out different nail art. Nail art is another struggle for someone like me, who likes to do it themselves. I have found few websites that have lots of easy to understand instructions (or even instructions at all) for doing nail art. So that is another thing that I hope will come of this blog, sharing nail art ideas, pictures and instructions.
Anyway I look forward to getting any kind of feedback from you guys!

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