Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I have just started this blog, as most of you can tell, and I would love to get some feedback from visitors of this blog. I want to hear both good and bad. If it isn't for you tell me why. If you do like it, tell me why. I would just really like to see if there is any interest in a blog like this.

Thanks for taking the time to give me a little feedback!


  1. I love looking at anything nail related!! So keep the posts coming :) I don't have acrylic nails but I LOVE looking at all of the different and funky nail art that can be done with them.

  2. KATEE - Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate you coming by and showing some love ;)

  3. Thanks for adding me to your blog roll!
    I'll be doing some fun Halloween stuff so stop by when you have a minute. :)

  4. NEVERTOOMUCHGLITTER - I look forward to seeing your Halloween stuff, so I will for sure keep in touch with your blog. Have a great day.
