Friday, October 24, 2008


I hope you guys take a minute and check out my cute Design-Her Gal on the right side of the screen. Not only is she totally cute, but she serves a really great purpose. By clicking on her you will be directed to the Design-her Gals website where not only can you make your very own, but you can help in the fight against breast cancer.
I am a recent member of the Design-Her Gal site and I was very shocked to learn that Dorit Shapiro, president of the Gal to Gal Foundation, passed away on Oct. 12th, 2008 of stage IV breast cancer. She was a mother of two and only 38 years old. I am 31, and to think if I only had a few more years with my son all while fighting breast cancer is a nightmare. Luckily I have had no one in my immediate family diagnosed with breast cancer.
I think early detection is the key to fighting this terrible killer. I know here in Oklahoma City this weekend, on Sat. the 25th, Integris Hospital is having FREE cancer screenings. They are screening for prostate, skin, oral, breast and colorectal cancer for females and males. Please check with your local hospitals, they might have free screenings available as well. And with it being free, how could you not?
There are all kinds of ways to help fight breast cancer, so please take a moment to look at the Design-Her Gals site and all they are doing in the fight against breast cancer.

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